The school’s Infirmary is manned by qualified medical and nursing staff. It provides comfort and cares to the sick and for minor injury cases. The Medical officer conducts regular medical checkups. Periodic eye, ENT, dental and skin check ups are organized with the help of reputed hospitals. Their height and weight are checked at the beginning and end of each term. Seminars and workshops on various health related issues are also held from time to time. Parents/Guardians seeking admission for their children/wards have to fill a performa mentioning any allergy or anything particular relating to the child’s health for the information of the school medical officer. A complete record of health, height and weight is maintained.
All parents are required to impart Health Education to their children so that they :Â
1. Maintain personal hygiene.
2. Trim their nails.
3. Have a regular haircut.
4. Students should exercise regularly.
5. Sleep for at least eight hours daily.
6. Have a nutritionally rich balanced diet.
7. Drink water, which is either boiled or filtered. All students are advised to bring their own water bottles from home.
8. Avoid consumption of ice-creams and other products and eatables from roadside vendors.
9. Deworm all children at least once every year. Advice should to be taken from their family physician.
9. Get a dental and ophthalmic check up done once every year by a Dental Surgeon and Ophthalmologist.
10. Immunize all children as per the schedule given below:
a) BCG to be inoculated before entry to school
b) DPT before entry to school
c) Oral Polio Vaccine
d) Measles/MMR
e) DT- at 5 years of age
f) Tetanus-Booster dose to be given at 10th year. Also to be given if injured.
g) Typhoid
h) Cholera
i) Hepatitis A and B
j) Meningitis
11. In case of anyone suffering from communicable disease in the family please take precautionary measures and report the fact to the Principal/Chief Co-Ordinator.
12. Students suffering from infectious diseases like Conjunctivitis, Measles, Dermatitis, Scabies etc. should not be sent to school till they get well to avoid spread of the disease in the fellow children.
13. Students suffering from chronic disease like Asthma, Epilepsy and Rheumatic Heart Disease etc. are advised to be under continuous Medical supervision of a specialist doctor. History of their illness must be filled up in the Almanac along with the treatment being taken.