A classroom has a diverse set of
learners and this has rendered the concept of differentiation and
diversification as important points of deliberation in the world of education.
We as educators know that one standard approach to teaching will not meet the
needs of all- or even most- students. Without an attempt to vary instruction to
meet the individual needs of each student, the curriculum is bound to disengage
some and baffle others. However, one cannot
negate the fact that as educators, we, the teachers, have the avowed
responsibility of giving our best to all the students who have been entrusted
in our care. Therefore, while teaching, one needs to engage some, and
simultaneously scaffold the school curriculum to support some others. It is a
delicate balance that the teachers are expected to maintain at all points of
time in the school.
Keeping this in mind DCM Group of
Schools floated the HOPE (Higher Order Program for Excellence in Education)
program wherein selected students of each class are given special attention in
academics beyond the school hours. The idea here is to prepare the child to
excel in the competitive field by equipping him/her with adequate know-how on
how to crack the exams in the future, time management skills along with extra
resources in form of tutorials, study notes, online support, etc. The classes
are not only related to the subject but also for general studies, mental
ability, and reasoning & assertion. The communication skills along with the
expression are enhanced through GDs on relevant topics. In addition to Guest
lectures by eminent personalities, the' Follow Your Dream' project where a
child gets to spend a day with the professional of his/her chosen profession
and watch the grass root level reality with his/her own eyes is an integral
part of the program. The FYD is an extension to the deep commitment that the
Group has towards experiential learning.
These special classes are
organized before the school is to begin, on Sundays and on all the non-
instructional days. Regular feedback comes in the form of evaluations which are
conducted in the classes from time to time. Further Strategies are created
based on the analysis which emerges out of these evaluations including feedback
from the Parents.
Through this program, we aim to
set wind into the sails of our children!