Young minds are full of curiosity, imagination, exploration and experimentation. Their potential, if given a right direction, can do wonders. Acknowledgement, reward system and appreciation in every small achievement are the key factors to boost up confidence and create interest in learning.
Education forms a strong platform for every child’s learning, especially the children from the age of 0-6 years. . According to research, rapid brain development occurs in first 3 years. Maximum intellectual learning takes place during the early years of a child’s development. Strong intellectual, social and emotional foundation in early childhood years, make the students- the happy schoolers.
Happy teachers, integrated curriculum, cordial learning environment and peers play an important role in creating happy schoolers. Children would love to attend school where every child is encouraged and given equal opportunity to participate in activities and classroom chores. More than insisting a child to sit and study, activity based learning and playful method of introducing concepts helps them understand better and make them happy schoolers.. Their self-esteem is built up and they feel confident sharing their ideas, thoughts and inquire about their doubts. Young minds are full of curiosity, imagination, exploration and experimentation. Their potential, if given a right direction, can do wonders. Acknowledgement, reward system and appreciation in every small achievement are the key factors to boost up confidence and create interest in learning. Coming to emotional support from school, bonding between the teacher and the child, respect towards every child’s thought, satisfaction of being heard and counselled, freedom of speech and expression has a lot of importance for happy learning.
A happy child in school will always look forward to non-formal, technology based and outdoor learning activities. The right school and positive school atmosphere definitely bring about happy learning and overall development in a child. School with a child centric approach always strives to build holistic development in each child.